Raising a child is as exhilarating as it is exhausting. It must be easier for my kid’s doctor, right? Two pediatricians have embarked on their own 18-year journeys to answer that very question… Maybe more than 18 years. We’ll see…
Join Dr. Val Lawrence and Dr. Philip Magcalas as they pool their collective experiences to help you plan, commiserate, and provide reassurance from before the baby is even born, to everything that comes after.
Science-based guidance from people who get it.
Episodes every couple weeks with bonus episodes often in the weeks in between.

Episode 13: Feed, Feed, Repeat! (Part 2)
Today we again talk feeding newborns! Bottles, formulas, storing, warming, safety, and more. We touch a bit more on breastfeeding and, as always, a little about self-care!

Episode 12: “Big Emotions, Tiny Fists,” Strategies for Dealing with Toddler Aggression
Your hosts talk toddlers and siblings with the help of a Healthy Steps specialist!

Episode 11: Feed, Feed, Repeat! (Part 1)
Today we talk feeding newborns! How much, how often, and some of the ins and outs of breastfeeding. We touch on formula feeding and supplementation (even more on this in our next episode!), “nipple confusion,” and as always, self-care!

Episode 10: Taking Care of a Newborn, or, "Extreme Makeover! Home Addition!"
We talk getting you and your newborn situated to your new life at home. Topics include sleep-wake cycles, self-care, pooping and peeing, “safe sleep,” colic, feeding, and weird things newborns do!

Episode 9: Toddler v. Sibling: Another Challenger Approaches!
Your hosts talk toddlers and siblings with the help of a Healthy Steps specialist!

Episode 8: The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty
Your hosts talk about allergies, sensitivities, and immune system health in children, with the help of a practicing allergy/immunology specialist!

Episode 7: Okay, Now What? Part 2
Your hosts talk about what happens right when your baby is born, why we do the things we do, and why they do the things they do!

Episode 6: New Year’s Greetings!
Your hosts use their first-ever end-of-the-year/beginning-of-another-year episode to talk about some nice parenting takeaways or highlights from the year, kind of answer an informally-submitted listener question about how newborns communicate, and in a topic especially important during the holidays, share an update on consuming alcohol while breastfeeding.

Episode 5: Okay, Now What? Part 1
Your hosts talk about what happens right when your baby is born, why we do the things we do, and why they do the things they do!

Episode 4: Bottles and Cups and Teeth (Oh, My!)
Drs. Val and Philip answer a listener’s questions about sippy cups, bottles, and toddler teeth.
Subscribe to our podcast and email us with questions, or give us a call.
Email: TwoTiredDocs@gmail.com
Phone: (313) 364-YAWN / (313) 364-9296
Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/WhoNeedsSleep